Today`s expression is really easy. Really easy but really really useful!! So let`s practice… Let`s!!
Let`s + 動詞の原型
▼You can use it in a formal situation or a business situation:
・Let`s have a meeting. (ミーテイングしましょう)
・Let`s talk about the report. (リポートについて話しましょう)
・Let`s call him. (彼に電話しましょう)
▼Of course, you can use “Let`s” in a casual situation, too:
・Let`s go out for a drink! (一杯を飲みに行こう)
・ Let`s make dinner together. (一緒に夕飯作ろう)
・Let`s kiss! (キスしよー!) ほら!すごく役に立つ言い回しじゃない?(^-^)