
Hi everybody! 「エコ」 is a popular word in modern Japanese. It comes from the English word “ecology” but “eco” is Japanese English. So, how do you say 「エコ」 in English. There isn`t one simple expression but I think there are three which are very close.
① environmentally friendly
② green
③ (be) good for the environment

▼Here are some example sentences:

・Is this good for the environment? (これはエコですか?)

・Cars are not good for the environment. (車ってエコじゃないよ。)

・Cars are not environmentally friendly. (車はエコじゃない。)

・But the Toyota Prius is a green car. (でもプリウスはエコだよ。)

・Riding a bicycle is environmentally friendly. (自転車に乗るのはエコです。)

・Let`s separate the garbage. (ゴミを分けましょう。)

・Go green! (地球に優しくしましょう!)

And that`s all for today! 
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪

恵比寿 英会話 アイオーイングリッシュワールド

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