Hi everybody!
How was your weekend? Mine was great!! I went out drinking with students yesterday and had a great time . And I didn`t get a hangover!! That`s because one of my students recommended a hangover medicine that really works. 昨日、生徒さんと飲んでから生徒さんに「ヘパリーゼすごい効くよ」って言われて、寝る前に一本を飲んで、やっぱりすごい効いたんですよ! これからはもう二日酔いしないでしょう!! 超発見。( ^_-)v
So, anyway, here is today`s useful phrase:
・It really works! (すごい効きます!)
・It really worked! (すごい効きました!)
Well, that`s all for today.
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪