Hi everybody!
Students often ask me, “How do you say 「よく言われる」 in English. 生徒さんに 「よく言われる」 って英語でなんて言うの?ってよく聞かれます。
In Japanese you use the passive form. 日本語の場合は受身を使うんですけど、英語の場合はどっちでもいい (either one is okay!) so let`s practice both. First, here`s the passive:
① I am often told + 文
Here is the active form:
② People often tell me + 文
In English the active form is probably better so let`s practice with ②. Here are some example sentences…
People often tell me I look like Brad Pitt. (ブラピに似てるってよく言われる。)
People often tell me I am very handsome. (ボブ先生とてもハンサムだってよく言われる。)
When you are practicing a foreign language it`s okay to lie!
後、 「何々/誰々に似てる」のようなコメントに反応する時はだいたい “People often tell me that!” or “I hear that all the time!” を言うんですよ。
For example…
Aちゃん) You are so strong!
B君) People often tell me that.
Aちゃん) You are so kind!
B君) I hear that all the time.
Well, that`s all for today! Have a good week and catch you later (^。^)/
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪