Hi everybody!
Here is another blog about カタカナ英語 & ジャパニーズイングリッシュ vs. Real English. Yesterday I had a class with two excellent new students. We did a Fun Topics – WORLD CULTURES & JAPAN lesson and I think they both enjoyed the lesson very much. I did too! In the lesson we learned the phrase “Mexican food is very tasty.” (メキシコ料理はとても美味しいです!) “Tasty” was a new word for one of them; it means 「美味しい」。 In fact, there are many ways to say 「美味しい」 in English. But “it is good taste” & “it was good taste” はジャパニーズイングリッシュです! So, let`s practice some Real English…
Aちゃん: How is your coffee?
B先生: It`s good. (ネイティブスピーカーは “good” をよく使います!)
Aちゃん: How are the potato chips? (“Potato chips” は複数形ですから “is” の代わりに “are” を使いましょう。 )
B先生: They`re good!
I think “good” is the most common way for native speakers to say 「美味しい」 but there are some other ways, too. For example…
It`s delicious!/They`re delicious! (“Delicious” has a stronger meaning than “good” so in Japanese it`s probably 「うまい!」 )
It`s tasty./They`re tasty.
It`s yummy./They`re yummy. (この文章はちょっと子供っぽくてかわいい感じです。)
It tastes good./They taste good. (この “taste” は動詞です。)
And here is one example of Japanese English: “It is good taste.” I`ve heard this sentence many times in Japan and I`ve seen it on Facebook written by Japanese users but native speakers never say it and it is very strange.
日本で何回もこの文章を聞いたことがあるし、このような文章が日本人のFacebook pageでも見たことがあるんですけどネイティブスピーカーは絶対 “It is good taste” って言わないんですよ。 “She is black hair” と一緒。 “She has black hair” は正しい文章で、”It has a good taste” も文法的には合っているけどけどネイティブはあまり使わないんですよ。 So, just say, “It`s good!” or “It`s tasty!” And when something is 「うまい!」 you can say “It`s delicious!”
Well, that`s all for today.
Catch you later (^。^)/
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪