Hi everybody! I hope you`re doing well. And I hope you haven`t caught a cold because…
There`s a cold going around. (風邪が流行ってる。)
You can also say…
There`s a virus going around.
▼“Virus” の発音はカタカナの「ウィルス」と全然違うからこれをクリックしてチェックしてください
“There`s a cold going around,” and “there`s a virus going around” have basically the same meaning. You can even say, “There`s a bug going around.” “Bug” means insect (虫) but in this case it means “virus.”
Well, that`s all for today. Remember to wash your hands often and stay away from people who have colds. And don`t worry about me.
今年はまだ風邪引いてないです。 In English…?
I haven`t caught a cold yet this year. Why?
Probably because I wash my hands often and stay away from people who have colds.
It`s good advice!
Catch you later!
Bob Carr