
Hi everybody!
It`s getting cooler and cooler. But today a sweaty student came to my lesson so I asked him, “Why are you sweaty? It`s cool outside.”
He asked me, “How do you say「走ってきた」in English?” And I said…

I ran here.

Easy, isn`t it? And it`s useful, too, so please practice this simple and useful phrase! And if you are free tomorrow, Friday, Saturday or next week, why not come to IO ENGLISH WORLD and ENJOY ENGLISH with me  And…もしレッスンに遅れないように走ってくると・・・you can say…???
I ran here.

Yes! Good job! Well, that`s all for today. Catch you later!

Bob Carr

恵比寿 英会話 アイオーイングリッシュワールド

ゼロからでも生きた英語を身につけよう! プロのアメリカ人講師と楽しみながら真剣に英語力をスキルアップしたいと思っている方のための英会話/ビジネス英語の教室です。