Hi everybody!
It`s fun to talk about what you and your friends and family members are good at so…今日のテーマは・・・
It`s easy to talk about 「得意なこと」 in English. Just use this pattern:
be動詞 + good at 名詞/動名詞
「得意なこと」 in English is probably “special skill” or “special talent,” but native speakers often ask:
What are you good at? (何が得意ですか?)
A) What are you good at?
B) I guess I`m good at piano. (ピアノが得意かな。)
A) How about your sister? What`s she good at? (妹は? 彼女の得意なことは?)
B) She`s good at guitar. (ギターが上手ってことですね。 動名詞もよく使うので “She`s good at playing guitar” も練習した方が良いです。日本語の「ギターを弾くのが上手」と一緒。)複数形の主語の場合は “are” を使いましょう。 For example…
My parents are good at dancing.
My students are good at writing stories in English.
And what about me? ボブは? 何が得意なのでしょうか?? Actually, I`m good at blowing bubbles with bubble gum! 風船ガムをふくらませるのが得意です!
That`s all for today!
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪