Hi everybody!
Today I got a request for a Saturday afternoon Fun Topics class today from one of my students. I asked her which theme she wanted me to change the class to from October.
今日メールで大事な生徒さんに10月から土曜日の 午後の Fun Topics のテーマを変えるので World Cultures & Japan, People, and Places でどれがいいですか?と聞ききました。
And she answered…
How do you say 「どれでも大丈夫」 in English?
That`s a good question! So today`s useful phrase is…
Any one is fine. Or… Any one is okay.
And 2つだけの選択がある場合は・・・
Either one is fine. Or… Either one is okay.
「Fine」 と 「okay」 でどっちのほうがいいの?
Ummnnn…either one is fine!
I hope these phrases will be useful for you and I hope to ENJOY ENGLISH with you here at ☆IO English World☆soon (^。^)/
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪