Most students know 週に1回、月に2回 but let`s practice quickly…once a week/twice a week/3 times a week/4 times a week/once a month/twicea month/3 times a month/ 4 times a month/once a year/twice a year/3 times ayear….
But students don`t know how to say 「2ヶ月に1回」.
It`s easy. Just say…once every two months (“a” の替わりに”every”にします。
あと、month の複数形のmonthsを使います。
months は発音しにくいけど”th”を発音しないで”ns”って発音したら普通にネイティブっぽく聞こえますよ。)
▼Here are some more examples
・Once every three months
・Once every four months
・Once every two years
That`s all for today.
I hope to Enjoy English with you here at IO ENGLISH WORLD someday soon. But if you really want to improve your English you have to PRACTICE/PRACTICE/PRACTICE!!
Not only once every two months but every day!
So why not come here everyday?!?! But not Sundays, okay? We`re closed on Sundays. Well…catch you later!