Hi everybody!
May is almost here! ‘Tis the season to be jolly and I hope you all have some holly-jolly plans for the holidays. Here is how native speakers talk about their plans:
A: Do you have any plans for the holidays?
B: Yes, I’m going to Phuket. (←動詞が “go” だったらネイティブはよく現在進行形を使います。`現在´進行形なのに未来の意味なんですよ。)
A: Oh, sounds nice! How long are you gonna stay? (←これは`How long are you going to stay?´の省略です。もちろん How long are you going to stay? って聞いても全然大丈夫ですけどネイティブスピーカーはこの言い回しをよく使うので慣れた方がいいと思います。)
B: I’m gonna be there for 10 days.
A: Sounds great!
▼Here are some more expressions to practice…
・What are you gonna do in Phuket? (プーケットで何するの?)
・I`m gonna relax on the beach. (“Relax” は動詞です。)
・I`m gonna go shopping.
・I`m gonna eat a lot of hot and tasty Thai food.
あと、いつも主語を取り替えて色々な主語 + be動詞の省略も練習した方が良いです・・・
Is your wife going, too? (←また未来の意味の現在進行形です。)
Yeah, she`s gonna go. (現在進行形の “Yeah, she`s going” も普通です。ネイティブは両方とも使います。)
・What`s she gonna do there?
・She`s gonna get a massage.
・She`s gonna eat a lot of tropical fruit.
Are you gonna play any sports?
・Yeah, we`re gonna play golf.
Well, that`s all for today.
Do you have any plans for vacation?
If you are going abroad then before you go why not come to ☆IO ENGLISH WORLD☆ in May and take the special one-month Easy Travel English Course on Saturday afternoons?
もし海外に行く予定があれば☆IO ENGLISH WORLD☆の特別な一ヶ月間のかんたんトラベル英語コースを受けてみませんか?コース内容などを詳しく知りたいならメール下さい!
I hope to get a message from you and I hope to Enjoy English with you soon! Catch you later (^。^)/