Hi everybody! Here`s another simple and useful phrase and another short, simple blog:
It`s worth $20. ($20の価値がある。)
By the way, $$$ is, of course, “dollars,” but in American English we also say “bucks.” So $20 is “twenty dollars” or “twenty bucks.”
▼Let`s practice saying both phrases:
・It`s worth ten dollars./It`s worth ten bucks.
・It`s worth five dollars./It`s worth five bucks.
・It`s worth a dollar./It`s worth a buck./It`s worth one dollar./It`s worth one buck. (1ドルの場合は”one” か “a” + 単数形の “dollar” を使います。)
And that`s all for today! ( ^。^)/
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪