Hi everybody!
Here is a very common mistake and a very useful phrase for today:
I knew about it on the internet. ←これはジャパニーズイングリッシュです。
That`s because 「知った」 in English is not “knew.” It`s “found out about ~.” 「知った」と言うのは “knew” ではなく、”found out” って言います。 So 「インターネットで知った」 in Real English is…
I found out about it on the internet. ←これは Real English です。
And here is one more useful phrase:
「どうやって知ったの?」 is “How did you find out (about it)?” “Found out” は “find out” の過去形でWhere/Why/How/What/Which/When で始まる過去形の疑問文を作る時は助動詞の “did” + 動詞の原形を使うので “How did you find out?” って聞きます。
▼Here are some more examples:
・When did you find out? (いつ知ったの?)
・What did you find out? (何を知ったの?)
・I found out last week. (先週知ったよ。)
・I found out from you! (あなたに教えてもらったよ!)
And that`s all for today!
♪Learning is the greatest joy♪Bob