Hi everybody!
The other day I had a new student in my Mama & Baby class. She was so cute that I fell in love at first sight. She is two years old and she`s a little cutie.
So, anyway, today let`s look at some expressions with “cute.”
・She`s a little cutie! (かわいい子ちゃんだね!)
・She`s a little cute. (彼女はちょっとかわいい。)
I fell in love at first sight. (一目惚れした。)
Notice that “she`s a little cutie” and “she`s a little cute” have very different connotation so be careful not to get confused. “She`s a little cutie” と “she`s a little cute” はニュアンス的には全然違う言い回しだから混乱しないように気をつけた方がいいです。
超かわいい子ちゃんに出会ったら “she`s a little cute” じゃなくて “she`s a little cutie!” か “she`s really cute!” を使いましょう。
Well, that`s all for today!