Hi everybody!
Here are some mistakes that students often make↓↓
All of these sentences are a little strange↓↓
X I`m not good at the rainy season.
X I`m not good at humidity.
X I`m not good at air conditioning.
The reason many students make these kinds of sentences is because 「苦手」 has two different meanings.
① 下手
In English we say “I`m not good at ~” when we mean 何々が苦手 or 何々が下手. So these sentences are all Real English↓↓
・ I`m not good at math. (私は数学が苦手です。)
・ I`m not good at video games. (テレビゲームが下手。)
・I`m not good at golf. (ゴルフが苦手/下手。)
動名詞もよく使います。 For example…
・ I`m not good at writing. (書くことが苦手です。)
・I`m not good at talking on the phone. (電話で話すのは苦手。)
But 「苦手」 has another meaning:
② 好きじゃない
私は梅雨が苦手というのは、もちろん 「私は梅雨が上手じゃない」 という意味ではないけど英語が上手な生徒さんもよく “I`m not good at the rainy season” って言うんですよ。 But it`s actually very strange. So in this case, what should you say??? この場合はなんて言えばいいのでしょうか??? It`s easy! Just say…
・I don`t like the rainy season. (←これは正確な Real English です。)
And here are the other examples:
・I don`t like humidity.
・I don`t like air conditioning.
Well, that`s all for today.